2020 - Personal Reflections - the good and the bad
2020 is the year that cannot be passed by without reflecting on it. It has been a year that united the entire globe by a phenomenon that is probably that single event in the history of mankind that has crossed all boundaries and impacted all countries, because of how connected and mobile the world is today. All over the world, humans lived through the same dread, same anxiety, same ups and downs of hope and despair. For those of us that were fortunate to be not impacted directly by the pandemic, it was a year of revelations and forming new habits. As I was hearing in the year end podcast from Shankar Vedantam’s series ‘Hidden Brain’ - old habits are ‘automatic and mindless’, while forming new ones needs us to be ‘ conscious and mindful ’. And that is probably why 2020 has been so difficult for us. We had to rethink and rewire our everyday life. Find new ways to stay engaged, stay productive and come out relatively unscathed. On a personal front, while I navigated several changes...